Places are open for every single postion but we really are in need of one-shot writers more. I would love to have staff here! But before you want to be a staff, please read the rules first:
1) You must complete your work within three weeks.
2) I must be able to contact you within 48 hours or else you will not be able to be a staff anymore unless you have told me you are on hiatus or that you will not available for sometime.
3) Email me when you have completed your work and I will email it back to the requester.
4) If you know the requester, then please put private thoughts away. Whether that person is your enemy or friend, always review honestly.
5) Though reviewing honestly, do not put in swear words.
6) Do not spam my email box with bad things or send virus, malicious things, pyramid schemes and/or chain letters. If you do, then you are not a staff member anymore.
7) Those are the rules for now. Please check regularly to see if I have added any more rules. If you don't check back then you will not be a staff member. Of course, you don't always have to check but if I tell you to, then do it. I am not liable for any un-read rules but I might excuse you for any mistakes that a excusable.
8) Tag us once you have done.
9) To make sure you have read the rules the title is the link.
Adervitiser Rules:
1) You must advertise for us a least twice a week.
2) You cannot, however, advertise more then five times a week.
3) Please restrict spamming as much as you can, just tell them politely.
4) Do not advertise on the same fanfic twice.
5) You must have proof that you have advertsied. You don't always have to show me proof but it would be wise to do it if I told you so.
6) There must be a difference on the result of visitors. Don't feel pressured though. I will not rate you that hard.
7) I must be able to contact you within 48 hours.
8) Tag us once you have done.
9) To make sure you have read the rules the title is the link.
One-shot writer:
1) You must complete your work within three weeks.
2) I must be able to contact you within 48 hours or else you will not be able to be a staff anymore unless you have told me you are on hiatus or that you will not available for sometime.
3) Tell me when you have completed the work by email or the tag box.
4) If you know the requester, then please put private thoughts away. Whether that person is your enemy or friend, always write with your heart.
5) Though writing a one-shot from the heart, please refrain from putting in swear words.
6) Do not spam my email with bad things or send virus, malicious things, pyramid schemes and/or chain letters. If you do, then you are not a staff member anymore.
7) Those are the rules for now. Please check regularly to see if I have added any more rules. If you don't check back then you will not be a staff member. Of course, you don't always have to check but if I tell you to, then do it. I am not liable for any un-read rules but I might excuse you for any mistakes that a excusable.
8) Tag us once you have done.
9) To make sure you have read the rules the title is the link.
Poster Maker:
1) You must complete your work within three weeks.
2) I must be able to contact you within 48 hours or else you will not be able to be a staff anymore unless you have told me you are on hiatus or that you will not available for sometime.
3) Tell me when you have completed the work by email or the tag box.
4) If you know the requester, then please put private thoughts away. Whether that person is your enemy or friend, always write with your heart.
5) Though making a poster from a request of a person, please refrain puttng in swear words.
6) Do not spam my email with bad things or send virus, malicious things, pyramid schemes and/or chain letters. If you do, then you are not a staff member anymore.
7) Those are the rules for now. Please check regularly to see if I have added any more rules. If you don't check back then you will not be a staff member. Of course, you don't always have to check but if I tell you to, then do it. I am not liable for any un-read rules but I might excuse you for any mistakes that a excusable.
8) Tag us once you have done.
9) To make sure you have read the rules the title is the link.
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010
December 2010
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